A Brief Background and WARNING!
Before looking at these repugnant Early Church implants from Satan, we need to address a serious problem. Very often, pretty much always, when this Author attempts to verbally expose the blasphemies of the Gnostics to people, the listener becomes flustered and sometimes angry, saying things like, "I don't want to hear about this stuff! We should only study good stuff and TRUE stuff!" Or, "The Bible says we should concentrate on 'Whatsoever things are TRUE,' and this stuff is horrible and Gnostic teachings are NOT truth!"
We agree, and we shouldn't spend a lot of time delving into the repugnant Gnostics, but, should we cover our eyes to the workings of Satan? Is this not EXACTLY what he wants us to do?!? We should ALWAYS pray before studying anything that Satan has designed; ALWAYS! However, there are within the Christian Church so-called, "Orthodox Christian Doctrines" that are in reality, "Doctrines of Demons." Such Doctrines were specifically designed by the Powers of Darkness in their attempt to deceive the whole world into following Antichrist. In fact, John, in 1John and 2John, actually calls the Gnostics "Antichrists." See 1Jn.2:18; 2:22; 4:3; 2Jn.7. For this reason, we should know some things about the Gnostics. If we see how today's attacks on the Church are recycled, refurbished lies that Satan has been thrusting on humanity, maybe we can avoid these Doctrines of Demons!
Powers of Darkness Attempt to Overwhelm Us
EVERY time we begin to uncover the deceits and trickery of the Powers of Darkness, they try to overwhelm us with feelings of anxiety, anger, and fear, and they are usually successful! Obviously if we discover their evil stunts, it damages their cause big time, and they'll spring into action and stop at nothing to prevent us from gaining this knowledge! For this reason, we STRONGLY suggest the Reader take a moment to ask for God's Spirit to be with us as we proceed.
Following is just one example of Satan's success in inserting Doctrines of Demons into the Church: The Bible is clear that, in the last days, Antichrist and his False Prophets will use "Sorceress" to deceive the masses. Christianity has built into itself everything Satan needs for this purpose! So-Called "Orthodox Christian Doctrines" are primed and ready for this to happen, and Gnostics were responsible for it. More in a moment.
The Gnostics launched an all out attack against the Creator God and Satan does not want today's Christians to know the details! If all Christianity discovered how the Gnostics infiltrated the Early Church and brought with them Paganism and Greek Mythology, God's Church would never be the same. Satan would lose a huge grip on Christianity and God's Church would be on the road to becoming what God designed it be, and this is Satan's worst nightmare!! Our goal is to do all possible to see that Satan gets his well-deserved "Worst Nightmare!"
So, hold on to your seat and let's get started!
The History Channel, National Geographic Network, and other educational channels continually air specials about the Gnostics, but never expose their true evils. Those professors talk as if these loathsome creatures were just another part of Christianity.
Gnostics and the Serpent
Gnostics taught that the "High God" sent the Serpent to convince Adam and Eve to disobey their evil Creator God! They said that the Creator God created this planet as a sinister, evil joke. Their the Reproduction System designed by our Creator is proof. They said that when Adam and Eve disobey God, this act set their souls free from their evil Creator so that eventually they could leave their evil bodies and advance to what the High God wanted for them.The Gnostics invented a name for the Creator God. The called him the Demiuge. More on this in a moment.
"Not Born of Mary - Not a Human"
Gnostics said Christ was a body-less spirit rather than a real child born of Mary. They said the Bethlehem story was a myth. They said Jesus Christ was in complete opposition to the God of the Jews—the Creator and Giver of the Ten Commandments. Of course any knowledgeable Christian knows Jesus is the Creator (See Jn.1:1-5), and He is the God of the Old Testament! It was Jesus Christ who wrote the Ten Commandments with His own finger.
"Came to Destroy the Law"
Gnostics said Christ came to destroy the Law of the Creator God, especially the Sabbath, and to free humanity from the burden of the Creator's Ten Commandments. They said the Commandments were impossible to obey. This "Impossible to Obey" is repeated today in various forms from thousands of pulpits every week!!!
The word Gnostic means "knowledge" and they considered themselves the intellectuals of the Early Church. Like many of today's so-called intellectuals, instead of accepting the simple truths of the Gospel, those Gnostics concocted distortions and blasphemies.
Sunday Replacing The Sabbath
If we look only to accurate Church history, and not at commentators who try to interpret and re-write history, we'll see that the Gnostics were the original promoters of Sunday replacing the Sabbath. Our Popular Ministers try to tell us Paul and Jesus abolished the Sabbath, however, many who've studied the subject carefully know better and admit that there are no Bible Texts showing the change. If the Reader is a student of Early Church History, he or she might protest, saying "What about Justin Martyr, Barnabas, and Ignatius?" We’ll examine these closely in a moment. Be prepared for some shocking facts!!
Paul and the Gnostics
Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians specifically addressed the Gnostics in their early stages. In fact, almost all of Paul's letters address Gnostic heresy. Peter, Jude, James, and John wrote Epistles directly attacking these early antichrists. Paul wrote the following to the Ephesians: "For I know this, that after my departure shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:29-30). He said these agents of Satan would be teaching "Doctrines of Demons" (1Tim.4:1-3). Paul used the word perverse which perfectly describes the immoral Gnostics.
The Wheat and the TARES
In a parable, actually a prophecy, Jesus warned about tares being secretly implanted in the wheat. The purpose of the parable was a warning that Satan would implant agents into the Church immediately after it was established. Jesus warned that Satan's purpose for these implanted agents would be to teach the Church "Anomia" or Law Annulling (See Matt.13:38-42) The word 'iniquity' in this text is from the word Anomia in the original Greek text).
Also, when Jesus warned of last-day false prophets, He said that these end-time agents of Satan would also be teaching "Anomia" (See Matt. 24:11-14; also 7:13-15, 21-23). Anomia is translated iniquity in KJV). In other words, Jesus said, "Law Annulling" will be Satan's FIRST and LAST delusion for the Church. These Gnostics proved Jesus to be right about the first delusion, and, sadly, thousands, and thousands of popular preachers are proving that Jesus was right about the last-day delusions.
Pre-Mark of the Beast Gnostic Teachings
(1) Gnostics taught that there were many "Gods." In their obsession to scorn earth's Creator, they called Him the "Demiurge." They said he was perverted, unintelligent, and evil. They cited human and animal reproduction as proof. They said if Christ allowed Himself to be born of a woman, He would've been approving and even endorsing Demiurge’s evil reproductive system, thus Christ pretended to be human flesh, but was really a Spirit or angel. (See Heb.2:16-17 and 1Jn.4:1-3 for Scripture directly addressing this Gnostic sacrilege) Later we'll show how Gnostics had several different versions of how Christ was non-human.
(2) Gnostics said the Ten Commandments were un-keepable. They claimed the Demiurge gave the Law as a sinister prank to provoke and frustrate humans.
When writing to combat the evil Gnostics, John wrote the following: "And by this we do know that we know Him, if we keep His Commandments. He [the Gnostics] that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him" (1Jn.2:3-4). Would this same message apply today?
(3) Gnostics taught that the Demiurge was the God of the 7th Heaven, thus he instituted the Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, as his Memorial Day—the day commemorating His being the Creator. They said the High God (the good God) was the God of the 8th Heaven and that Christ was His Son. They said Christ annulled the Sabbath, because it was the Memorial Day of the Demiurge, and replaced it with Sunday, the 8th Day, commemorating His Father the God of the 8th Heaven. Underscore this 8th Day nonsense! We'll see it often as we continue.
Modern Anti-Law Similarities
Today's anti-Sabbath/anti-Law Advocates offer a less dramatic, but equally nonsensical argument. They say God gave His unkeepable Law to the Jews for the sole purpose of proving that it is absolutely impossible to obey, even if we ask Him for strength. They say God used this method to graphically demonstrate to us in this so-called Grace Age, or Grace Dispensation, how we cannot obey His Law, even if God gives the strength. Such absurdity is nonsense and needs no explanation, but, we'll look at it for a moment.
What Kind of God Would Do Such?
How ministers of the Gospel can launch such an attack against God is indeed a mystery! Would God really dump impossible rules on His own people, then for 2000 years, punish generation after generation of them for failing to obey His impossible rules? Also, what God would sanctify a Memorial Day for Creation, severely punish those disregarding that day, then tell a later group of followers that He demands they disregard the day and choose another?
More Insults to God?
As if this weren’t enough, anti-Sabbath Preachers add more. God told Daniel that Antichrist would, "think to change times and Laws" (Dan,7:25). God told Isaiah that the masses of people in the very last days would, "transgress His Law and change His Ordinance" (Isa. 24:5). Jesus said, "Till heaven and earth pass, not a jot or tittle of even the least Commandment can be changed" (see Matt. 5:17-19). Jesus told John that during the Tribulation, Satan and Antichrist would make war on all who "keep the Commandments of God" (Rev.12:17; 14:12).
Would God go to this much effort to establish that we CANNOT change a jot or tittle of His Law, then demand we CHANGE His Sabbath Commandment?
If God did such, He's inconsistent to say the least! If, however, our preacher's accusations are wrong, obviously Satan has done a very clever bait-and-switch. Let's not forget that the sole goal of the Gnostics was to attack God's character. And, let's note that it is the Gnostics that are completely responsible for attempting to replace Sabbath with Sunday.
"Paul Did It?"
Like modern anti-Sabbath/anti Law advocates, the Gnostics claimed Paul as their champion of truth, and their great Liberator from God's Law. Could it be that the marks Gnostics left on Christianity would eventually become the Mark of the Beast?
Who REALLY Started Anti-Sabbath?
Church history records names of several Gnostics. Saturnilus, Valentinus, and Marcion were ousted from the Church because their blasphemous doctrines were too gross even for a Church that was already beginning to accept questionable compromises. Saturnilus and Valentinus aggressively promoted the "8th Day" nonsense, claiming Sunday is the "8th Day" commemorating the "Ruler of the 8th Heaven."
In his obsession to promote hatred for the Sabbath and the Creator God, Valentinus gave the Creator the name "Sabbatum."
Marcion—"Son of Satan"
Church history records 2 incidents bearing directly on our study.
(1) The Apostle John accidentally met a prominent Gnostic in a public bathhouse. John bolted from the building shouting, "Run for your lives. That wicked Cerinthus is inside and God may bring the roof down on us all." John's first two Epistles were written specifically to identify and expose the Gnostics as heretics.
(2) Church history tells of John’s principle disciple, Polycarp, meeting Marcion a most evil and aggressive Gnostic. Marcion knew Polycarp was the most respected leader in Christianity. Wanting to meet Polycarp to get his support, Marcion walked up and asked, "Do you know me?" Polycarp’s response was to the point and prophetic. "Yes, I know you, you Son of Satan!" "Son of Satan" fit perfectly because Jesus prophesied that the "Tares" were "Children of the Wicked One" (Matt.13:38-39). Marcion was kicked out of the Church, but:
Marcion Fixed His Problem!
After being ousted, Marcion compiled some of Paul's letters and the Gospel of Luke. He altered, butchered, these to suit his purpose, and openly rejected Matthew, Mark, and John. His "Bible" consisted of 11 books. In order to attack the God of the Old Testament, he deleted, revised, or reversed all references to the Law and the Sabbath. He claimed all 12 of the Disciples apostatized, leaving only Paul and Luke as reliable sources.
Gnostics Made Sabbath a Hated Day!
Marcion demanded his followers fast on Sabbath to make it a dreaded day. He said, "Since it is the rest day of the God of the Jews, of the one having made the world and rested on the seventh day, we should fast on this (day) in order that we may not perform the requirements of the God of the Jews" (Epiphanius, ‘Against Heresies’, Chap.42, MPG, Vol.XLI, col. 700).
Our present culture is repeating Marcion's plan, only in reverse; the complete opposite. Sabbath is now a "WHOOPEE-DO FUN DAY!" There are more secular activities on Saturday than the rest of the week combined. Marcion, and modern Anti-Sabbath advocates, claim that, during His ministry, Jesus set about to destroy the Sabbath. Satan doesn't care whether we make Sabbath a gloomy hated Day, or a Day of "seeking our own pleasure," just as long as we DO NOT observe it the way God designed it!! Satan seldom has new stunts! He simply re-cycles his same old heresy.
"Jesus Didn't Come to Fulfill, But to Destroy"
Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law and the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill" (Matt. 5:17). Marcion openly and blatantly did exactly what modern anti-Sabbath Advocates try to do quietly. He completely reversed Jesus’ words to say, "I am not come to fulfill the law and the prophets, but to destroy them" (See Philip Schaff’s History of the Christian Church, Volume 2 pages 483-486). Modern Anti-Law/Anti-Sabbath preachers do the same, but instead of re-writing, they try re-defining Jesus' words.
Rest Rooms and Parking Lots
Today pamphlets are scattered everywhere claiming that when Jesus said, "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill," the word He used for "fulfill" means "abolish". In other words, "I am not come to destroy but to abolish." Is this less blasphemous than Marcion? Are our preachers mocking the words of Jesus?
Additional Blasphemy from Gnostics
Following are more examples of Gnostic buffoons under the inspiration of Satan. The sad thing about this is the fact that some of the foolishness below has found its way into Churches today.
Ø Gnostics claimed that all persons have lived previously before birth. If during life, they perform poorly, they must do the cycle again and continue until they get it right.
Ø Gnostics said "Sophia" was the wife of the "Unknown High God" and the Mother of the Creator God, the Demiurge. She conceived the Demiurge without the help of the High God. She later became the Holy Spirit. (Some today teach that God is a woman and actually attach the name Sophia to their god).
Ø Gnostics said it was the "High God" that sent the serpent to tempt Adam and Eve. Once they disobeyed, they were wiser and having broken their relationship with their Creator, the plan was set into motion to one day completely free them from the Demiurge. Their "soul" or "spirit" could eventually, at death, be free from the evil body given them by their evil Creator. The act of disobeying their Creator implanted within Adam and Eve this good, "Spark of Knowledge", also called "Spark of Life". This "Spark of Life" immediately became their "Soul" or "Spirit" which was a living, separate entity inside of them.
Ø Gnostics said that because human bodies were created by the Demiurge, they were naturally evil. When Eve obeyed the serpent, the "Spirit" (Spark of Life) or "Soul" was implanted by the "Unknown God". At death, this good "Soul", or "Spirit" would be released from the evil body, free to do activities much like gods. The "Spirit" travels through space and can see and communicate from the 8th Heaven back to people on earth. (At modern funerals we hear almost the same about our departed relatives).
Ø Gnostics claimed Christ was never human. He had no real body, but was a "Spirit" taking the form of a body. (Thus, according to Gnostics, and MANY modern preachers, Jesus was never really "tempted in all points as we are." Some modern ministers say Jesus had an advantage over us when it comes to resisting sin).
Ø Gnostics said "Souls" are good "Spirits" trapped in evil bodies, thus no deed was really evil or sinful. Such deeds are simply a natural response created in the evil body by an evil Creator.
(Today’s version of the above says we are just naturally sinful and will continue acting out our sinfulness till death or Jesus comes. Our sinful tendencies are inevitable and unpreventable. Some say it's a sin to desire to overcome sin, because only God doesn't sin. Thus to desire to overcome sin is to want to become a God. Promoters of such foolishness quote Satan’s words to Eve, "Ye shall become as Gods").
Ø Gnostics said all bodily functions are from an evil perverted Creator. Since humans cannot control these functions, they have no choice but to indulge. Humans cannot control sexuality, thus adultery, fornication, sexual perversions, incest, and all sexual sins and deviations are unpreventable and acceptable. Gnostics said it is futile for humans to resist these inclinations. (Watch TV for an hour or two and you'll see this lie repeated dozens of times)
(Sadly, we're not far from this today. Moral conditions in the world and the Church are the same. Why wouldn’t they be? Our preachers continually say that obeying God’s Law is legalism, and legalism is sin. They say, Grace frees us from God’s Law. Is it any wonder that unmarried teen pregnancy in the church and the world is exactly the same? Satan has no new tricks, just same old recycled blasphemy).
Ø Other Gnostic sects took an opposite view, claiming that to please the High, "Unknown God", one must never, ever have sexual contact. To participate in it for any reason is respecting Demiurge. Hence marriage was forbidden. Marriage and intimacy was instituted by the Creator, thus (according to these heretics), everything about marriage was to be completely avoided (See 1Tim. 4:3; Paul directly addressed this). (This is where the notion that the clergy cannot marry began)
(Almost all of the so-called "Lost Books of the Bible" that come from Early Church times originated with the Gnostics. Any thinking person can read just a few lines from this fraudulent foolishness and it becomes clear that Satan is the real inspiration for it. The History Channel tries to make Gnostic writings appear to be equally authentic as the real Bible, but again, thinking people can easily tell the difference.)
Persecution From Within and Without! Gnostic Implants From Within
In its formative years, the Church endured a double attack; persecution and implants. Paganism, Judaism, and evil Roman Emperors attacked from without, while the Gnostics did their work within. The most obvious Gnostics were kicked out, but Satan always has a backup plan. Within the Gnostics there were some less aggressive members; "closet Gnostics." These less aggressive Gnostics claimed to support the Church and declared that they were totally against Gnosticism. They continued promoting anti-Law, anti-Sabbath, and other doctrines that seem acceptable. Satan's agenda was right on schedule because his closet Gnostics were accepted into the Church with open arms. The Church was unaware that the doctrines brought in by such characters were the preludes to the Mark of the Beast.
Justin Martyr the Closet Gnostic
Let's look at the Early Church’s most famous closet Gnostic. Most Christians consider Justin a noble leader of the early Church. But, they've not examined his doctrines and his true agenda. We'll simply present documentation from his writings and let the Reader decide.
Let’s look at the Scofield Bible editorial footnote naming Justin as a good Church member:
- "The observance of the first day of the week is corroborated by the early fathers in the writings of Barnabas (c.A.D.100), Ignatius (A.D.107), Justin Martyr (A.D.145-150), and Irenaeus (A.D.155-202). The edict of Laodicea (4th century AD) did not change the day of worship from the 7th to the first day of the week, as sometimes alleged, but rather put the stamp of official approval upon an observance already long established in the early churches" (Scofield footnote on Acts 20:7).
Justin the Sabbath Abolisher
Justin lived in Rome and was one of the leaders in the Church between 145 AD and 150 AD. He was martyred, thus, after his death, he was given the name Justin Martyr. Martyrdom made him a hero, thus his teachings took on a life of their own. A resolute hater of the Sabbath, he vigorously fought to replace it with Sunday. His home Church at Rome grew in strength, eventually becoming headquarters for the early Church. Justin's anti-Sabbath/pro-Sunday position continued as a pillar in that Roman Church. For centuries after Justin's death, the Roman Church got into bitter disputes with other Churches because most other Churches continued honoring the Sabbath. Some Churches honored both. We'll show documentation.
Justin's Letter to the Emperor
Justin wrote a letter petitioning the Emperor to show tolerance to the Christians. Paganism, which incorporated Sun worship, was the primary religion throughout the Roman Empire. Justin wanted to show the similarities between Christians and Pagans. Following is an excerpt from his letter:
- "And on the day of the Sun, all who live in the cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles and the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability... But the day of the Sun on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead. For He was crucified on the day before Saturn; and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration" (First Apology, Chapter LXVI, in ANF, Vol.1 page 185). Note Justin's reverence for the "day of the Sun". Justin claimed Christianity, yet he still believed God approved of Sun worship. Following is from his "Dialogue with Trypho:" "God formerly gave the Sun as an object of worship" (Dialogue with Trypho, chap.CXXI, in Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vo1, p.260). Apparently he was a former Sun Worshipper attempting to bring his "Venerable Day of the Sun" with him into Christianity. Based on his enthusiastic endorsement of Sabbath abolition, the Sunday services in his Church may have been organized by him. Note Justin's "8th Day" allegory, a Gnostic tactic:
- "It is possible to show how the eighth day possessed a certain mysterious import, which the seventh did not possess, and which was promulgated by God through these rites" (Dialogue with Trypho, Chap.XXIV, in Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol.1, p.206).
- "The command of circumcision, again, bidding always circumcise the children on the 8th day, was a type of the true circumcision, by which we are circumcised from deceit and iniquity through Him who rose from the dead on the first day after the Sabbath, our Lord Jesus Christ. For the first day after the Sabbath, remaining the first of all the days, is called, however, the 8th, according to the number of all the days of the cycle, and remains the first" (Ibid. Chap. XLI, p.215).
- "For righteous Noah, along with the other mortals at the deluge, i.e., with his own wife, his three sons and their wives, being 8 in number, were a symbol of the 8th day, wherein Christ appeared when He rose from the dead, for ever the first in power" (Ibid. Chap. CXXXVIII, p.268).
- "The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is never observed at Rome and Alexandria" (Sozoman, Ecclesiastical History, Book II, Chap.XXXVIII, in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol.II, p.34).
- Barnabas - Most Bible Scholars agree that someone, or some organization, put together a fraudulent letter similar in size and writing style to Paul’s epistles. In order to give it credibility, they (undoubtedly Gnostics) called it the Epistle of Barnabas, hoping that people would think Paul’s companion wrote it. There are three possibilities as to its true origin. First—it really was the work of Barnabas. If so, he had grossly apostatized and joined the Gnostics. The second possibility is that it was originally a good letter written by the real Barnabas, but later altered by the Gnostics, the same as they did to Luke’s Gospel and Paul’s Epistles. Finally, and most likely, it was a fraudulent epistle written entirely by the Gnostics who then attached the name Barnabas to it in order to make it appear legitimate. These Gnostics created dozens of false books and attached the names of good Bible characters to them. Serious Bible scholars consider it very unlikely that Barnabas, Paul’s companion, had anything to do with the so-called Epistle of Barnabas. It is thought to have originated in Alexandria Egypt where it was widely distributed. Alexandria was a hotbed of Gnostic activity when the Epistle appeared. From its inception, many Church leaders called it counterfeit for it displays recklessness not used by inspired Bible writers. Note the Gnostic "8th Day" reference.
- "Lastly, He [God] saith unto them: Your new moons and your sabbaths I cannot bear them. Consider what He means by it; The sabbaths, says He, which ye now keep are not acceptable to Me, but those which I have made; when resting from all things I shall begin the 8th day, that is, the beginning of the other world. For this cause we observe the 8th day with gladness, in which Jesus rose from the dead; and having manifested himself to his disciples, ascended to heaven" (Epistle of Barnabas 13:9-10).
- "Neither shalt thou eat of the hyena; that is, again, be not an adulterer, nor corrupter of others; neither be like to such. And wherefore so? Because that creature every year changes its kind, and is sometimes male and sometimes female" (Epistle of Barnabas 9:8).
- Ignatius - Ignatius was a writer and early Christian. Most Scholars consider him without fault, and this is a possibility, for, unlike Justin, and so-called Barnabas, there’s no record disparaging him. Except for the one tiny quote that we are about to explore, his writings contain no Gnostic views. There is some controversy concerning his work. Many scholars believe that much of the material that appears to be his has been altered, thus the following quote may not have been written by Ignatius at all. Following is the only portion of his writings dealing with the Sabbath. He wrote a vast amount of material, thus if the Sabbath truly had been changed in his day, some of his other writings would have made mention of it.
- "We have seen how former adherents of the ancient customs have since attained to a new hope; so that they have given up keeping the sabbath, and now order their lives by the Lord’s day instead, the day when life first dawned for us, thanks to Him and His death. That death, though some deny it, is the very mystery which has moved us to become believers and endure tribulation to prove ourselves pupils of Jesus Christ, our sole Teacher" (Epistle to the Magnesians vs.9).
- Who Started the Gnostics? "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate" (Rev. 2:15).
- "Nicolaitans" -There is no solid documentation as to who the Nicolaitans were, but there are smatterings of comments in Church History hinting that it was started by Nicolas, one of the 7 original Deacons chosen by the Church. It is rumored that he somehow took up the notion that humans cannot control their sexual tendencies, thus, since we are, "no longer under the Law," we should not suppress these tendencies. It is said that when men from the Church came to check on how the Gospel was going in his area, he offered to have them sleep with his wife. Whether or not this is factual is speculation, but, for sure someone named Nicolas started an evil doctrine and God said He hated it.
- Simon the Magician - Simon is the other person rumored to have started Gnosticism. We find his story in Acts 8. Simon was a man who craved power and, according to some accounts, began to consider himself some kind of "messiah." The Gnostics actually put together many so-called "Books" that they hoped would become part of the Bible. In one of these "Books" they give accounts of the activities of Simon the Magician.
- The most important reason we should examine the Gnostics is to rid ourselves of all traces of their blasphemy. We also need to see the similarities they have in common with Antichrist. Following are more Blogsites about the Gnostics:
- The Gnostics Attack the Church

Paul -Gnostics - Colossians 2?
How to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
How to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
- Thank you Dear Reader for your time. Let's PRAY for God's Spirit to guide us as we prepare for the Soon Coming of Jesus! Please check out our other Links bellow.
- Your Brother in Christ Walter C. Martin Jr.
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Satan is KILLED - DEAD - After His Bottomless Pit
Will We Eat Pigs During the Millennium?
Planet Earth WILL be Destroyed After the 1000 Years!
New Jerusalem - How BIG is It?
Great White Throne Judgment Seat - When and Where
Christ's Kingdom - Millennial or EVERLASTING?
Hell Fire
Is God Torturing People Now
Did Jesus Suffer ALL of Your Hell?
The Rich Man and Lazarus?
The Dead - Dead or Alive - What is Death?
Did Jesus Die YOUR Death for You?
Will Satan Ever Die - Bible Says "YES!"
Testing Our Doctrine About Death
The Dead Stand Before Great White Throne Judgment Seat
The Gnostics Attack the Sabbath
Were Gnostics Really Christian?
Were Gnostics Satan's Implants into the Church?
Is Gnosticism Alive and Well in Today's Churches
Is the Church Israel and Israel the Church?
Is the Bride of Jesus the 144 Thousand?
Did Jesus Offer the Jews a Millennial Kingdom in His Ministry?
Will New Jerusalem Sit in Israel? How Big is It?
Christ's REAL EVERLASTING Kingdom is for ALL Believers!
The Sabbath
Is it a Sin to Observe the Sabbath?
Is There a Connection Between the Rapture and the Sabbath?
Will the Sabbath Be Observed By God's People During the Tribulation?
Who REALLY Changed the Sabbath in Early Christianity?
Un-Answered and Un-Answerable Sabbath Questions For Popular Preachers
How to Test Your Doctrine Concerning the Sabbath
Heaven
Marriage in Heaven - Millennial Kingdom?
Strange Animal/Demons the Millennium?
Why Jesus Hasn't Come to Take Us To Heaven?
Good Ministers Teaching Against God's 10 Commandments?
Teaching of Anomia - The Reason Jesus Hasn't Come Yet?
Pre-Trib Rapture and Sabbath
Pre-Trib Rapture and the Sabbath?
Everlasting Gospel Ministries
Planet Earth WILL be Destroyed After the 1000 Years!
New Jerusalem - How BIG is It?
Great White Throne Judgment Seat - When and Where
Christ's Kingdom - Millennial or EVERLASTING?
Hell Fire

Did Jesus Suffer ALL of Your Hell?
The Rich Man and Lazarus?
Will Satan Die in Hell? Really Die? Bible Says "YES!"
How to Test Your Doctrine About Hell
Great White Throne Judgment Immediately Before Hell Burns
Will Hell Fire Destroy Planet Earth? Apostle Peter Answers!!
When Hell Burns Out, New Jerusalem is on Earth! How Big is It?
DeathHow to Test Your Doctrine About Hell
Great White Throne Judgment Immediately Before Hell Burns
Will Hell Fire Destroy Planet Earth? Apostle Peter Answers!!
When Hell Burns Out, New Jerusalem is on Earth! How Big is It?
The Dead - Dead or Alive - What is Death?
Did Jesus Die YOUR Death for You?
Will Satan Ever Die - Bible Says "YES!"
Testing Our Doctrine About Death
The Dead Stand Before Great White Throne Judgment Seat
The Gnostics Attack the Sabbath

Were Gnostics Satan's Implants into the Church?
Is Gnosticism Alive and Well in Today's Churches
Paul -Gnostics - Colossians 2?
How to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
Church is Israel - Israel is ChurchHow to Know if Your Doctrine is Gnostic
Gnostic Doctrines in the Church - Reason Jesus Waits?
Is the Church Israel and Israel the Church?
Is the Bride of Jesus the 144 Thousand?
Did Jesus Offer the Jews a Millennial Kingdom in His Ministry?
Will New Jerusalem Sit in Israel? How Big is It?
Christ's REAL EVERLASTING Kingdom is for ALL Believers!
The Sabbath
Is it a Sin to Observe the Sabbath?
Is There a Connection Between the Rapture and the Sabbath?
Will the Sabbath Be Observed By God's People During the Tribulation?
Who REALLY Changed the Sabbath in Early Christianity?
Un-Answered and Un-Answerable Sabbath Questions For Popular Preachers
How to Test Your Doctrine Concerning the Sabbath

Marriage in Heaven - Millennial Kingdom?
Strange Animal/Demons the Millennium?
Why Jesus Hasn't Come to Take Us To Heaven?
Great White Throne Judgment - Where and When?
Satan's Death - When!
Will Earth Be Completely Destroyed? (New Heavens and New Earth!)
Is New Jerusalem Actually Heaven? How Big is It?
Christ's Millennial Kingdom Will Be in Heaven!
Christ's Kingdom is Not 1000 Years - It is EVERLASTING!
Great White Throne Judgment - Heaven or Earth
Teachers of Anomia (Law Annulling)Satan's Death - When!
Will Earth Be Completely Destroyed? (New Heavens and New Earth!)
Is New Jerusalem Actually Heaven? How Big is It?
Christ's Millennial Kingdom Will Be in Heaven!
Christ's Kingdom is Not 1000 Years - It is EVERLASTING!
Great White Throne Judgment - Heaven or Earth

Good Ministers Teaching Against God's 10 Commandments?
Teaching of Anomia - The Reason Jesus Hasn't Come Yet?
Pre-Trib Rapture and Sabbath

Will Christ's Bride Keep the Sabbath?
Does Your Rapture/Sabbath Doctrine Pass the Test?
Exposing Lucifer/Satan
When Did Lucifer Become Satan?
Will Satan Ever Die? Really Die? All the Way Dead?
Has Satan Introduced False Doctrine into the Church? How to Test
Satan Dies After Great White Throne Judgment
Satan Dies When Earth is Destroyed By Fire
Does Your Rapture/Sabbath Doctrine Pass the Test?
Exposing Lucifer/Satan
When Did Lucifer Become Satan?
Will Satan Ever Die? Really Die? All the Way Dead?
Has Satan Introduced False Doctrine into the Church? How to Test
Satan Dies After Great White Throne Judgment
Satan Dies When Earth is Destroyed By Fire
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Walter C. Martin Jr. |
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Let's pray that God will continue sending His Holy Spirit to guide as we prepare for Jesus to come. Thank You!
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr